Sep 30,2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course Training

Course Description 

About Artificial Intelligence (AI) Training

AArtificial Intelligence (AI) is the big thing in the technology field and a large number of organizations are implementing AI and the demand for professionals in AI is growing at an amazing speed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) course with Neo Academy Pro will provide a wide understanding of the concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make computer programs to solve problems and achieve goals in the world.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes computers to perform tasks such as speech recognition, decision-making and visual perception which normally requires human intelligence that aims to develop intelligent machines The basic grounding in the Neo Academy Pro’s practices in AI is likely to become valuable in the field of business, and profession. This course is intended to cover the concepts of Artificial Intelligence from the basics to advanced implementation.

What are the course objectives?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming smarter day by day in all business functions to elevate performances. AI is used widely in gaming, media, finance, robotics, quantum science, autonomous vehicles, and medical diagnosis. AI technology is a crucial prerequisite of much of the digital transformation taking place today as organizations position themselves to capitalize on the ever-growing amount of data being generated and collected. To build a successful career in Artificial Intelligence (AI), this course is intended to give a complete understanding of Artificial Intelligence concepts. This course offers you get practical, hands-on experience to ensure hassle-free execution of real-life projects. This AI course leverages world-class industry expertise in making you professional data science experts.

What skills will you learn?

In this Artificial Intelligence (AI) course, you will be able to

  • Understand the basics of AI and how these technologies are re-defining the AI industry
  • Learn the key terminology used in AI space
  • Learn major applications of AI through use cases

Who should take this course?

Neo Academy Pro’s course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) gives you the basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. This course doesn’t need any programming skills and best suited for:

  • Well-suited for management and non-technical participants
  • Students who want to learn Artificial Intelligence
  • Newbies who are not familiar with AI or its implications
Course Curriculum

Module 1-Introduction TO Machine Learning
  • Train,Test & Validation Distribution
  • ML Strategy
  • Computation Graph
  • Evaluation Metric
  • Human Level Performance
Module 2-Machine Learning


  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Gradient Descent
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest
  • Bagging & Boosting
  • KNN


  • K-Means
  • Hierarichal Clustering
Module 3-Python Programming
  • Basic Programming
  • NLP Libraries
  • OpenCV
Module 4-Mathematics Foundation

Basic Statics

  • Sampling & Sampling Statistics
  • Hypothesis Testing


  • Derivatives
  • Optimization

Linear Algebra

  • Function
  • Scalar-Vector-Matrix
  • Vector Operation


  • Space
  • Probability
  • Distribution
Module 5-Intro To Neural Network&Deep Learning


  • Intro
  • Deep Learning Importance [Strength & Limiltation]
  • SP | MLP

Feed Forward & Backward Propagation

  • Neural Network Overview
  • Neural Network Representation
  • Activation Function
  • Loss Function
  • Importance of Non-linear Activation Function
  • Gradient Descent for Neural Network
Module 6-Parameter&Hyperparameter

Practical Aspect

  • Train, Test & Validation Set
  • Vanishing & Exploding Gradient
  • Dropout
  • Regularization


  • Bias Correction
  • RMS Prop
  • Adam,Ada,AdaBoost
  • Learning Rate
  • Tuning
  • Softmax
Module 7-Data Processing


  • Scikit Learn
  • NLTK
  • Spacy & Gensim
  • OpenCV
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras


  • Representation
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Similarity

Image Processing

  • Image
  • Image Transformation
  • Filters
  • Noise Removal
  • Correlation & Convolution
  • Edge Detection
  • Non Maximum Suppression & Hysterisis
  • Fourier Domain
  • Video Processing

Speech Data Analytics Feature Extraction

  • Image Feature
  • Descriptors

Object Detection

  • Detection & Classification
Module 8-CNNg


  • Computer Vision
  • Padding
  • Convolution
  • Pooling
  • Why Convolution

Deep Convolution Model

  • Case Studies
  • Classic Networks
  • Inception
  • Open Source Implementation
  • Transfer Learning

Detection Algorithm

  • Object Localization
  • Landmark Detection
  • Object Detection
  • Bounding Box Prediction
  • Yolo

Face Recognition

  • What is Face Recognition
  • One Shot Learning
  • Siamese Network
  • Triplet Loss
  • Face Verification
  • Neural Style Transfer
  • Deep Conv Net Learning
Module 9-RNN
  • Why Sequence Model
  • RNN Model
  • Backpropogation through time
  • Different Type of RNNs
  • GRU
  • LSTM
  • Biderectional LSTM
  • Deep RNN
  • Word Embedding
  • Debiasing
  • Negative Sampling
  • Elmo & Bert
  • Beam Search
  • Attention Model
Module 10-Generative adversial Network
  • Autoencoders & Decoders
  • Adversial Network
  • Active Learning
Module 11-Reinforcement Learning
  • Q Learning
  • Exploration & Exploitation
Module 12-Assignments

Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Business Case evaluation
  • Data requirements and collection
  • Evaluation metrics

Machine Learning

  • Profit of 50_startups data prediction
  • Extra marital affair prediction
  • Fraud data analytics
  • Fabric sales analysis
  • Classification of animals data
  • Crime data analysis using clustering method and airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters.

Python Programming

  • Resource Information Analysis
  • Text Cleaning of Customer reviews using NLP
  • Image Manipulation (Loading, Rotation etc.)

Mathematics Foundation

  • Sampling & Sampling Statistics
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Calculus Problems
  • Linear Algebra Problems
  • Probability Problems

Intro to Neural Network & Deep Learning

Parameter & Hyperparameter

  • Risk Evaluation
  • Prediction of claim amount
  • Emotor temp prediction
  • User Behavioural Pattern

Data Processing

  • User review data load and familiriaty with data and environment
  • E commerce Product Similarity
  • Sentiment classification of movie reviews
  • Emotion Mining of user reviews"
  • Vehicle edge detection
  • Cleaning of hand-written digits data
  • Image data Augumentation
  • Facial feature detection
  • Image data wrangling for classification
  • Video Analysis of a short film
  • Speech data Analysis w.r.t emotion


  • Ecommerce product image classification
  • Disease prediction based on images (2 CNN algorithms)
  • Vehicle identification(Object Detection)
  • Animal Classification(Object Classification
  • Spatial Image classification (Image segmentation)
  • Face detection
  • Face recognition (Attendance using facial recognition)


  • Next word prediction (Vanilla RNN)
  • Twitter data analysis using Named Entity Recognition(NER)
  • Retail data - Word2vec
  • NER and Forecasting of Oil price prediction
  • Auto text composer (NER language model)
  • Auto text composer (NER language model)
  • Q and A Chatbot
  • Real life voice Recognition


  • Machine Translation
  • New Image generation based on existing images

Reinforcement Learning

  • Game Intelligence
Module 13-Projects

1.Chatbot project

  • Build end to end chatbot right from data storage schema to final output for a domain

2.Emotion Analytics

  • Identifying and analyzing the full spectrum of human emotions including mood, attitude and emotional personality.

3.Object Detection

  • Detection of objects in images

4.Face detection from CC camera feed

  • Analysis of video feed from CC cameras
Sep 30,2022

Blockchain Course Training Program

Course Description

Blockchain Course Overview 

Blockchain is the most emerging technology in the decentralised information system of another phase of data transaction in the secure distribution ledger, what we today know as Cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology is the distributed Ledger and shared ledger used by multi parties to collaborate trust between each other to predominate operation in terms of Data transactions, building trust in transferase, authentication and auditing. It improves banking, supply chain, and other transaction networks which leads to making a process more feasible to trade with the digital world reliably and securely. It’s redefining the storage, movement and updating of data across a network to enable a new way of deploying and enhancing the applications. It has potential network operations that provide trusted and online security to make hierarchy and centralised decision making for the B2B operations with the next level of endurance.

Industries that use Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology offers Peer to Peer operations to make Transactions Ledger and jointly manage the databases in form of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger. It finds its applications In various streams and sectors for trading through digital operations using Cryptocurrency.

  • Finance and Banking
  • Logistics
  • Cloud service
  • E-Commerce
  • Health and Pharmaceutical sector
  • Public and Government Sector
  • Energy

Banking Sector

Banking services work with Blockchain Technology majorly in operations like clearing and settlement, payments, trade finance, identity, syndicated loans and transactions to make the source of operations more efficient. Blockchain is distributed across the global and local banking services to extend their potentiality and efficiency in the process of transactions that ultimately serves the customers. 

Health Sector

Blockchain Technology is making a major impact in the health care industry to counter problems like drug traceability, clinical trials and patient data management. A majority of the pharmaceutical industry is finding the best solutions for drug counterfeiting wherein each new transaction added to a block will be immutable and timestamped making it traceable.

Supply Chain Sector

Blockchain Technology is providing the best solutions for many of the biggest challenges that are currently faced in supply chain operations. Using Blockchain technologies in complex transaction payment with multi parties like the manufacturer to supplier (or) customer to a vendor makes it easy to handle the contractual agreement or services of lawyer and banker to make defective operations eliminated. It will be helpful in other terms of supply chain entities like Immutability, Consensus, Provenance and Finality.

Blockchain Course Objective

Blockchain course training helps you to dive into the world of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger and use cases. This Blockchain technology targets the people who are looking for an extensive and exhaustive knowledge in this field, which makes you become a fully Functional or a fully technical Blockchain Developer.

Tools Covered in Cryptocurrency Technologies

  • Bitcoin
  • Hyperledger
  • Ethereum

Intellectuals AI Expertise

  • Provides practical learning experience with projects instead of only extensive theory
  • Learn to understand real scenarios i.e case studies
  • Training from Industry Experts
  • Basic concept orientations of solidity coding (Derivative of Java)
  • Create your own Blockchain Technology network with existing tools and framework
  • Understand the Blockchain architecture and framework
  • Understand Blockchain on Cloud platform
  • The course is designed in a way to prepare for Blockchain Associate and Professional certification

Why Choose Intellectuals AI for Blockchain Technology Certification Course?

  • 40+ hours of Instructor-led live Online Training
  • Learning Management System (LMS) access.
  • Get lifetime access to recordings of all live session’s
Sep 30,2022

Data Science Course

Data Science Course Training In Bengaluru

Intellectuals AI Solutions offers Data Science course, the most comprehensive Data Science course in the market, covering the complete Data Science lifecycle concepts from Data Collection, Data Extraction, Data Cleansing, Data Exploration, Data Transformation, Feature Engineering, Data Integration, Data Mining, building Prediction models, Data Visualization and deploying the solution to the customer. Skills and tools ranging from Statistical Analysis, Text Mining, Regression Modelling, Hypothesis Testing, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Modelling, R Studio, Tableau, Spark, Hadoop, programming languages like R programming, Python are covered extensively as part of this Data Science training. Intellectuals AI Solutions is considered as the best Data Science training institute in Bengaluru which offers services from training to placement as part of the Data Science training program with over 400+ participants placed in various multinational companies including E&Y, Panasonic, Accenture, VMWare, Infosys, IBM, etc. Intellectuals AI Solutions imparts the best Data Science training in Bengaluru and considered to be the best in the industry. 

Why Should You Choose Intellectuals AI Solutions For Data Science Training ?

If you are serious about a career pertaining to Data science, then you are at the right place. Intellectuals AI Solutions is considered to be one of the best Data Science training institutes. We have built careers of thousands of Data Science professionals in various MNCs in India and abroad. “Training to Job Placement” – is our niche. We do the necessary hand-holding until you are placed. Our expert trainers will help you with up skilling the concepts, to complete the assignments and live projects. Intellectuals AI Solutions certification is considered to be the best Data Science certification offered in this space. Intellectuals AI Solutions offers a blended learning model where participants can avail themselves classroom, instructor-led online sessions and e-learning (recorded sessions) with a single enrolment. A combination of these three modes of learning will produce a synergistic impact on learning. One can attend an unlimited number of instructor-led online sessions from different trainers for 1 year at no additional cost. No wonder Intellectuals AI Solutions is regarded as the best Data Science training institute in Bengaluru to master Data Science concepts and crack a job.

What Is Data Science? Who Is Data Scientist?

Data Science is all about mining hidden insights of data pertaining to trends, behaviour, interpretation and inferences to enable informed decisions to support the business. The professionals who perform these activities are said to be a Data Scientist / Science professional. Data Science is the most high-in-demand profession and as per Harvard and the most sort after profession in the world.

Why One Should Take The Data Science Course?

Is Data Science certification being worth pursuing as a career? The answer is a big YES for myriad reasons. Digitalization across the domains is creating tons of data and the demand for the Data Science professionals who can evaluate and extract meaningful insights is increasing and creating millions of jobs in the space of Data Science. There is a huge void between the demand and supply and thereby creating ample job opportunities and salaries. Data Scientists are considered to be the highest in the job market. Data Scientist career path is long-lasting and rewarding as the data generation is increasing by leaps and bounds and the need for the Data Science professionals will increase perpetually.

  • 1.4 Lakh jobs are vacant in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data roles according to NASSCOM
  • The world will notice a deficit of 2.3 Lakh Data Science professionals by 2021
  • The Demand for Data Scientist professionals has increased by 417% in the year 2018, in India, as per the Talent Supply Index
  • Data Science is the best job to pursue according to Glassdoor 2018 rankings

You May Question If Data Science Certification Is Worth It?

The answer is yes. Data Science / Analytics creating myriad jobs in all the domains across the globe. Business organizations realised the value of analysing the historical data in order to make informed decisions and improve their business. Digitalization in all the walks of the business is helping them to generate the data and enabling the analysis of the data. This is helping to create myriad data science/analytics job opportunities in this space. The void between the demand and supply for the Data Scientists is huge and hence the salaries pertaining to Data Science are sky high and considered to be the best in the industry. Data Scientist career path is long and lucrative as the generation of online data is perpetual and growing in the future.

Why Intellectuals AI Solutions Is The Best Data Science Training Institute In Bengaluru?

Intellectuals AI Solutions offers the best Data Science certification online training in Bengaluru along with classroom and self-paced e-learning certification courses. The complete Data Science course details can be found in our course agenda on this page.

Who Should Do The Data Science Course?

Professionals who can consider Data Science course as a next logical move to enhance in their careers include:

  • Professional from any domain who has logical, mathematical and analytical skills
  • Professionals working on Business intelligence, Data Warehousing and reporting tools
  • Statisticians, Economists, Mathematicians
  • Software programmers
  • Business analysts
  • Six Sigma consultants
  • Fresher from any stream with good Analytical and logical skills

Interview Preparation Sessions

Participants who have completed the Data Science course training and the projects will be put under our Placement Incubation Program. As part of this program, participants will undergo a thorough interview preparation process on Data Science. A huge repository of Data Science Interview questions with answers will be provided for the participants to prepare. A dedicated Data Science Subject Matter Expert (SME) will help in resume building, conduct mock interviews and evaluate each participant's knowledge, expertise and provide feedback. Our SMEs will do the necessary handholding on interview preparation process till the time the participant is placed. Guidance is also provided on Linkedin profile building and tricks of the trade to improve the marketability of the resume. - Intellectuals AI Solutions Management

Sep 30,2022

Core Python Training

Python Course Certification training

Python is a popular high-level, open source programming language with a wide range of applications in automation, big data, Data Science, Data Analytics development of games and web applications. It is a flexible, powerful object-oriented and interpreted language. Python is considered to be a programming language with the highest number of job opportunities

Researchers have named Python ‘the next big thing’ as it is being preferred by many young and experienced developers and is a highly paid skill among all the programming languages in the IT space

Intellectuals AI's offers a comprehensive Python Course training that will help you master fundamentals, advanced theoretical concepts like writing scripts, sequence and file operations in Python while getting hands-on practical experience with the functional applications as the training is blended with hands on assignments and live projects

With Intellectuals AI  Python Course You Will:

  • Intellectuals AI's Python course Training provides you with concepts of Python programming language ranging from beginners, intermediate and advanced levels and our Python Training curriculum is considered to be the best in the industry
  • With Intellectuals AI's Jumbo pass one can attend one limited number of classroom and instructor led-online sessions for one year
  • Life Access to recorded Python tutorials and recordings of the live instructor led online sessions
  • Faculty is our strength. All our Python trainers carry 10+ years industry rich experience, who have a passion for training and considered to be the best in the industry
  • All the sessions are blended with hands-on Python course assignments to ensure that participants gain practical experience towards Python programming
  • You will be market ready and be able to crack interviews for Python programmer jobs subsequent to the Python training
  • Understand the essential concepts of Python programming such as data types, Data Structures, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators and functions, GUIs, Multi-threading, Exceptions, Regular Expressions, Networking, Lambda expressions and many more
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of Python OOPS concepts, Modules
  • Extensive coverage of Django Framework
  • Database Programming and connectivity to various Data Sources
  • 25+ assignments and 2 real life data projects to ensure hands on experience

Python Tutorials:

Intellectuals AI's offers python tutorial for beginners to advanced level, high quality self paced e-learning videos to learn at your own pace and convenience. Python online course is recorded by seasoned Python trainers with extensive training experience and considered to be the best in the industry. 25+ assignments and two Python projects will be provided alongside the Python Tutorial videos to ensure hands-on experience. Participants can watch the Python tutorials on our state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS) platform for a period of one year. 

Who Should Do The Python Course?

The Python course is well suited for the participants at all levels of experience, by creating an increase in demand for skilled data scientists. This course is best suited for

  • Freshers who wants to master Python programming
  • Software Engineers
  • Big Data Professionals
  • Web Developers
  • Software programmers 
  • Research Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • IT Developers
  • Those who are interested in building their career in Python

Why Intellectuals AI?

Intellectuals AI's helps individuals and organisations to empower by providing courses based on practical knowledge and theoretical concepts, by helping them advance their careers and create sustainable growth in their companies.

  • Faculty is our forte. All our Python trainers carry extensive experience, has passion for training and considered to be the best in the industry
  • Placement assistance with Intellectuals AI's dedicated placement cell
  • Internship to work on real time projects
  • 25+ assignments and 2 real life data projects to ensure hands-on Python programming experience
  • Individual attention and post training support
  • Doubt clarification sessions through Whatsapp
  • Access to WhatsApp community of Python students and faculty
  • LMS access with E-learning and recorded sessions
  • Jumbo Pass where participants can attend unlimited number of batches for 1 year
Course Curriculum


Module 1 - Introduction


  • Python Introduction - Programming Cycle of Python
  • Python IDE

Module 2 - Variables

  • Variables
  • Data type
  • Number
  • string
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Dictionary

Module 3 - Operators

  • Operator -Arithmetic
  • comparison
  • Assignment
  • Logical
  • Bitwise operator

Module 4 - Decision making loops

  • While loop, if loop and nested loop
  • Number type conversion - int(), long(). Float ()
  • Mathematical functions , Random function , Trigonometric function

Module 5 - Decision Making Loops

  • Strings- Escape char, String special Operator , String formatting Operator
  • Build in string methods - center(), count()decode(), encode()

Module 6 - Lists

  • Python List - Accessing values in list, Delete list elements , Indexing slicing & Matrices
  • Built in Function - cmp(), len(), min(), max()

Module 7 - Tuples

  • Tuples - Accessing values in Tuples, Delete Tuples elements , Indexing slicing & Matrices
  • Built in tuples functions - cmp(), len ()

Module 8 - Dictionary

  • Dictionary - Accessing values from dictionary, Deleting and updating elements in Dict.
  • Properties of Dist. , Built in Dist functions & Methods.
  • Date & time -Time Tuple , calendar module and time module

Module 9 - Functions

  • Function - Define function , Calling function
  • pass by reference as value , Function arguments , Anonymous functions , return statements
  • Scope of variables - local & global

Module 10 - Modules

  • Import statements , Locating modules - current directory , Pythonpath
  • Dir() function , global and location functions and reload () functions .
  • Packages in Python

Module 11 - Modules

  • Files in Python- Reading keyboard input , input function
  • Opening and closing files . Syntax and list of modes
  • Files object attribute- open , close . Reading and writing files , file Position.
  • Renaming and deleting files

Module 12 - directories

  • mkdir methid, chdir () method , getcwd method , rm dir

Module 13 - Exception handling

  • Exception handling - List of exceptions - Try and exception
  • Try- finally clause and user defined exceptions

Module 14 - OOP

  • OOP concepts , class , objects , Inheritance
  • Overriding methods like _init_, Overloading operators , Data hiding

Module 15 - Regular Expressions

  • match function , search function , matching vs searching
  • Regular exp modifiers and patterns

Module 16 - CGI

  • What is CGI .,Architecture of CGI , Web server support get and post () methods.

Module 17 - gUI Programming

  • Introduction
  • Tkinter programming
  • Tkinter widgets

Module 18 - mySQL

  • Data base connectivity
  • Methods- MySQL , oracle , how to install MYSQL , DB connection
  • create , insert , update and delete operation , Handling errors.

Module 19 - MultiThreading

  • Introduction Multi Threading
  • Threading module
  • creating thread
  • Synchronizing threads
  • Multithreaded Priority Queue

Module 20 - Django

  • Introduction to Django framework
  • overview
  • environment
  • Apps life cycle
  • creating views
  • Application

Module 21 - Data Analysis & Libraries

  • Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib

Jan 22,2022

Youtube Webscraping Using Selenium

1. What is Web scraping?

Web scraping refers to the extraction of data from a website. This information is collected and then exported into a format that is more useful for the user. Web Scraping also called web data mining or web harvesting, is the process of constructing an agent which can extract, parse, download and organize useful information from the web automatically.

2. Why Web Scraping?

In general, we may get data from a database or data file and other sources. But what if we need a large amount of data that is available online? One way to get such kind of data is to manually search (clicking away in a web browser) and save (copy-pasting into a spreadsheet or file) the required data. This method is quite tedious and time-consuming. In various fields Web Scraping is used: Scrape product details (price, images, rating, reviews, etc.) from retailer/manufacturer/eCommerce websites (Ex: Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Alibaba, etc.) to show on own websites, to provide price comparisons, to perform a price watch on competing sellers, etc. Scrape property details and agent contact details from real estate websites. Scrape contact details of businesses as well as individuals from yellow pages websites. Scrape people profiles from social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. for tracking online reputation. Scrape hospital/clinic websites to build a catalog of health physicians including their contact details. Scrape reviews of products and places/hotels/restaurants. Crawl forums and communities to extract data from poets and authors. Scrape articles from various article/PR websites to feature in own website. Scrape data from various Government websites, most of which do not provide an easy way to download the data which they display.

Dec 30,2019

Step by Step Guide to Sentiment Analysis

1. Importing Library files

First of all, import the important library files, which are used in the entire sentimental analysis. Like NLTK, pandas, NumPy, sklearn, text blob, etc. pandas are used for importing CSV files (used in next step), nltk is used for natural language processing, TextBlob is built on the shoulders of NLTK and Pattern, sklearn is used for feature extraction.

2. Importing Datasets

Before starting, let’s read the file from the dataset in order to perform different tasks on it. In the entire article, we will use the YouTube sentiment dataset from the Kaggle platform., comm is dataframe name, pd.read_csv( ) is pandas function which is used in import the entire dataset. UScomments.csv is file name, which is kept in same file path. error_bad_lines=False,(here, false means bad lines will be dropped from the DataFrame). comm.head() is use for display the first five row of data frame.